Mercury Enters Pisces

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On March 15th at precisely 5:26 pm, Pisces leaves Aquarius and enters sensitive and intuitive Pisces for a three-week stay. We should expect to have more intuitive thoughts, ideas, and exchanges of more sensitive and sincere information. Mercury is in Fall and Detriment in Pisces because communications, thoughts, and ideas can be a bit nebulous or unclear. But if we are properly prepared, we can actually take advantage of this by prioritizing sensitive matters and things that require creativity. 

While Mercury previously was in Aquarius, it was much more objective and logical. Now we get a chance to shift our perceptions away from that to more personal and sensitive styles of communicating. Pisces’ ruler Jupiter is still in Aquarius, so we have a unique opportunity to blend the logical and intuitive sides of ourselves. It can be so beneficial when communicating to consider the person’s emotions and feelings we are speaking with. Conversations may go much smoother if we inject some intuition or extra sensitivity into it. 

Mercury makes three notable planetary connections during its time in Pisces. First, on March 21st, it connects with Uranus, so it may be a good time for new ideas or inventive ways for solving a problem. Next, on March 23rd, Mercury squares off with Mars in Gemini. Push yourself to be less surface level in your conversations around this time. Finally, on April 1st Mercury and Pluto connect. Deeper understandings about the world are more likely, and we may be able to use our intuition to create a more powerful position for ourselves.

We should also prioritize processing and working through any built-up trauma, anxiety, or depression. It may be a good time to stop and reflect on how much your mental landscape has changed in the last year. You are not the same person you were a year ago because the world is an incredibly different place now. Begin to understand and accept this. And we should also be sensitive to others and know that they aren’t necessarily who they used to be either and try to meet them where they’re at. It’s going to take time to process what we’ve experienced and how much our lives have changed.