Mercury Enters Taurus

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On Monday, April 19th, Mercury will enter Taurus at 5:29 am CDT after spending the last three weeks in Aries. During that time, we focused on brainstorming new ideas and initiating conversations. We should now focus on which of those ideas has the power to last and which conversations can lead us somewhere productive. Shift your attention to the ideas you want to focus on for the next three weeks.

A powerful Venus will be ruling Mercury during its time in Taurus. This may help us communicate in a more pleasant, harmonious way. This doesn’t necessarily mean difficult conversations will go easily, but we will be less offensive or off-putting in the way we communicate with others. Especially focus on this around April 25th when Mercury and Venus meet. This may be a great time to get on those dating apps or strike up a conversation with someone you are interested in. 

Use this time to focus on ideas that you think have staying power. Not all ideas are meant to last, and it will be essential for us to use our discretion to decide which ones can endure. While Mercury was in Aries, we may have tried seeing things differently or opened ourselves to new possibilities. It is now time to choose which ideas were good enough to move forward with. Pay special attention to April 24th when Mercury joins Uranus; you may have a flash of inspiration or see how you can make progress on something in a way you haven’t considered before.

Finally, I want us to push ourselves to expand our worldview. Mercury will square off with Saturn on April 25th and Jupiter on May 3rd, indicating that we need to think about more than just ourselves. I want to encourage us to engage in broader topics and ideas that go beyond our immediate environment. All over this planet, people are dealing with problems that may be completely different than ours and hard for us to relate to; nevertheless, it is necessary that we try to put ourselves in their shoes and recognize that no human should suffer.