Sun Enters Taurus

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The Sun leaves Aries and enters Taurus at 3:33 pm CDT, April 19th dissipating the intensity of the last few weeks into something more foundational and deliberate. We are ready to transition into a more security-focused and intentional space. The next four weeks should be spent focusing on how we can achieve some comfort and stability, not just for ourselves but for others as well. 

Each of us needs to take this time to examine what our relationship is with stability. For example, do we crave it, or do we avoid it? And what are the underlying reason why that may be? Because if we do not understand our need or lack of need for stability, how can we actively create the life we desire? We need to find the space between immobility and constant change. We also should realize that if we can not be a stable presence in our own lives, how can we be a steady presence in anyone else’s? These themes may be significant around the beginning of May when the Sun joins Uranus and squares off with Saturn.

The next four weeks are also an excellent opportunity to bring more of what comforts us into our lives. However, the Sun will square off with Saturn on May 3rd, so we should find ways of pleasing ourselves that also benefits or considers others. Shop places that donate a part of the proceeds, support local artists, and give away what you have an excess of. This upcoming Sun, Saturn square will remind us that we can not always be in a state of self-pleasing; we sometimes have to put others first. We must remember that if we want comfort and security, so does everyone else. 

Finally, I want us to take care of ourselves. And while yes, that does mean eating pizza, it also means honoring our values and what is important to us. Try to build in some self-care habits if you don’t have many and appreciate what you can rely on in your life. If you aren’t there for yourself, how can you be there for anyone else?