Mars Enters Cancer

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Mars entered Cancer Friday, April 23rd at exactly 6:49 am CDT. Mars will stay in this water sign until June 11th, 2021. The next couple of months should be spent slowing down a little and working with our emotions more. The Moon will now rule Mars, so emotions may be all over the place. We must remember to prioritize processing our feelings before acting on them. 

For the next few months, focus on what in your life needs your effort to feel nurtured. Not all things can simply thrive without any time or attention given to them. What in your life needs your active and involved attention? There may be relationships or parts of our own lives that are withering or slowly dying because they are not getting the attention or effort from us that they need. This may mean that we have to shift some of our priorities around, but it may be well worth it.

Mars does not make many major planetary connections during its time in Cancer, but one major transit that it does make is an opposition to Pluto on June 5th. There may be a confrontation or significant challenge around this time. This will be much easier for us to navigate if we spend the weeks leading up to it nourishing and taking care of our emotions. When we have a solid emotional base, we are better prepared to take on challenges, especially from those with more perceived power than us. 

We should also focus on what we are willing to protect in our lives. Take a moment and consider what in your life you are protective of and why? What and who are we ready to defend? Examine those situations and relationships to see where those instincts stem from. Also, take time to question who is your life could use some more protection from us. Who may be the underdog in your life that could benefit from your support? It is up to us to rise to the occasion to defend what and who is important to us.