Mercury Direct in Gemini

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Mercury will station direct and end its retrograde motion on Tuesday, June 22nd. Mercury has been retrograde in Gemini since May 29th pushing us to rethink and reconsider information we may have missed or overlooked. We can now slowly start to move forward with hopefully a fresher perspective.

To Gemini, all information is good information. And while we can see how that may be wise, it can also lead to overload and a lack of discernment. We need to remember to bring our own clarity to matters, and to do this we need to understand our values and beliefs (cue Jupiter Retrograde). Because they are the underlying structure, we can look to when things get confusing. 

I’m also going to use this moment to remind you that Aquarius energy is still a considerable influence in the sky right now. With Saturn retrograde and Jupiter about to be there as well, we need to remember to prioritize objective, realistic, forward-thinking perspectives. These are the concepts we need to look to when we get confused or overloaded with information. 

Mercury will take another week to catch up speed (it is a whole planet after all), so don’t jump into any important decisions right away. But, hopefully, we all start to gain a little clarity and understanding now.