Mercury Enters Cancer

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Mercury finally gets out of Gemini, enters Cancer at exactly 3:35 pm CDT, and stays there until July 27th. Mercury has been in Gemini for the last 8 weeks, which is unusually long due to its retrograde. Many of us are mentally exhausted at this point due to overthinking and our minds racing. We have taken in so much information, examined it, twisted it, and examined it again that we may be more confused than ever. It is time to slow down, listen to our feelings, and notice what they are trying to communicate. As I’ve said before, feelings are information, and it’s time we start giving them the attention they deserve. 

Begin to shift away from communicating in a way where you are just collecting information or focusing on the facts. We can actually care about others through our words by reaching out, asking thoughtful questions, and communicating empathy. Saying things like, “What you’re going through is really difficult, I’m sorry,” instead of, “That sounds hard, let me know if I can help.” The first lets the person know you understand and are willing to just be there for them in this difficult emotion; the second depersonalizes the situation and places the responsibility to follow up on the other individual. So, incorporate more kindness when speaking and tune into others’ emotional states. 

This becomes more important towards the end of July when Mercury connects with Neptune and opposes Pluto. We may find that if we listen and engage with others empathetically, we actually begin to feel more secure in our own power. With Mercury in Cancer, I’m afraid it may be tempting to get so wrapped up in our own emotions we begin to spiral and feel out of control. So it may be best to shift our energy into more productive channels by caring for others with our words and considering them thoughtfully. 

We shouldn’t discount how being kind to others helps us feel good about ourselves, and when we feel good about ourselves, we make healthier choices.