Jupiter Re-enters Aquarius

Jupiter re-enters Aquarius on Wednesday, July 28th, as it continues along its retrograde journey. Jupiter will stay in this sign until December 28th, when it will re-enter Pisces. Jupiter will no longer be ruling over itself as it was in Pisces but will have to answer to Saturn now. Saturn is known for being strict and only rewarding genuine effort, so we will have to reconsider how much we are trying and how seriously we are taking matters in our lives. The next six months will show us how we think the world should be and what we’re doing personally to get us there. Because if you know better, do better!

The world is facing enormous societal and environmental issues, and Jupiter in Aquarius is here to remind you that you are not the most important person in the world (sorry!). You are a part of a collective of people, whether you like it or not. The world and society affect us as much as we can affect them. We are starting to see clearly that a society made up of primarily self-centered people can’t ultimately succeed. We do not live in a vacuum, our actions have consequences, and it is time for us to consider this again carefully.

We are also being reminded that significant change is often best done as a group. We are more powerful when we get together with people who want to achieve the same things as us (which should be making the world a better place!). Unionizing, striking, and collective bargaining are examples of how we use the power of Jupiter in Aquarius to lift up everyone because we can accomplish more when we work collectively. 

I can not emphasize enough that it will not be enough for us to sit back and not get involved. Please remember Saturn is really in charge here, and if we refuse to see that we are part of something bigger than us, we will personally face the consequences. These upcoming six months are critical; apply yourself to higher standards and remember that when we raise the quality of life for everyone, we also raise it for ourselves.