Mars Enters Virgo

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Mars leaves Leo and enters Virgo on Thursday, July 29th at precisely 3:32 pm CDT and stays here until September 14th. For now, we can expect our actions to be less expressive but more thoughtful and precise. Sometimes holding back and analyzing the situation is just as valid as bravely rushing into something. For the next two months, focus on practical action that requires forethought and accuracy. 

We need to start getting more disciplined in how we go about things. Where in your life do you need to concentrate on being more consistent and focused? Getting it right may be better than just getting it done. Also, consider whether you may need to further study or analyze something in order to get better at it.

Mars doesn’t make many difficult planetary connections during its time in Virgo. First, Mercury will join Mars in Virgo on August 18th. During this time, we can better put our thoughts and ideas into action in practical, effective ways. We also may be especially inclined to be extra helpful to others. 

Next, Mars will connect with Uranus on August 21st. If you have any insights around this time, you should take note and apply them. We may figure out how to make a routine or something else in our lives more efficient or functional.

Neptune opposes Mars on September 2nd, indicating we might need a huge mental break at the beginning of the month. Bring more intuition or relaxation into your life. Use this time to consider whether your actions are actually coming across as you intend and helping you get the result you desire.

Finally, on September 6th, Mars connects with Pluto around the time of the Virgo New Moon. After doing some recalibrating, we are ready again to focus on achieving an important goal. Also, with the New Moon involved, we may be prepared to operate in a way we didn’t feel like we were capable of before. Actions may also have a more powerful effect, so plan your moves carefully.

Even though the next two months are all about focus and precision, we should remember not to get lost in the details. There is still a lot happening globally; aim your power at what truly matters at the end of the day, making the world a better place.