Mercury Enters Virgo

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Mercury will officially enter Virgo on Wednesday, August 11th at exactly 4:57 pm CDT and stay here until August 29th. Mercury is at home in Virgo, as it is one of the two signs it rules. It is time for us to concentrate on being more analytical and objective. Communicate with purpose and make sure you are properly informed. 

The next three weeks will give us a chance to think things through more. During the previous three weeks, when Mercury was in Leo, we took risks in our communication and tried to be braver in our approach. Now we need to focus more on analyzing the information at our disposal because we can’t base every decision on intuition or desire. The best decisions are often thought through carefully. So stop rushing yourself; sometimes, it’s okay to take your time deciding.

Mercury stays active during its time in Virgo. First, on the 18th, it joins Mars. This may be an excellent time to take action around constructive, practical ideas. Our minds may also be more active and intelligent so take advantage. 

A couple of days later, on the 20th, Mercury connects with Uranus. Try to accomplish something in a new way and embrace a change in perspective. 

Mercury will oppose Neptune on the 24th, reminding us that some things just have to be felt. Also, we should make sure we give our brains a break; prioritize your intuition around this time.

Finally, on the 26th, Mercury will connect with Pluto. Consider taking on an important project or problem. This also may be an ideal time to use your knowledge to gain a leadership role.

I also want us to view analyzing as a form of profound thinking. Virgo isn’t often seen as one of the more spiritual signs because its analytical nature often leads to anxiety. But if we work on removing the anxiety, we can turn that analytical thinking into deep contemplation. We may be scared of what we’ll find if we go deeper, but the fear is in the unknown. Information is our friend; we just have to remember that it’s there.