Venus Enters Libra

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Venus leaves Virgo and will enter Libra on Sunday, August 15th at 11:27 pm CDT and stay here until September 10th. While we were more concerned with practical expressions of love when Venus was in Virgo, it is now time for us to concentrate on relating to others by being cooperative, persuasive, and charming. 

I want us to genuinely figure out what we enjoy and find beautiful over the next four weeks. We need to consider where we are letting others dictate or influence our tastes and start following our own aesthetic. Instead of following trends, set them. Don’t worry if other people approve; go after what you find appealing.

Venus will be busy while in Libra. First, it will connect with Saturn on August 23rd, helping us mentally prepare to commit to a relationship or really begin to see the beauty in what lasts or is stable. Make sure to appreciate those who have stuck around you. 

Next, Venus opposes the asteroid Chiron on the 26th, showing us how our unresolved emotional issues affect how we relate to others. Clue them into what is going on with you internally so they can better understand.

Finally, on September 5-6th, Venus squares off with Pluto and connects with a retrograde Jupiter. There may be a situation where our feelings toward someone we’ve known for a while begin to increase, but there is a power dynamic involved, complicating matters. It is crucial to consider expressing your feelings. Libra is an air sign so being open and transparent while also using a little charm will go a long way.

Take this time to enjoy something because it’s beautiful and only because it’s beautiful. Not everything has to be a serious, intellectual practice. Remember, it is perfectly valid just to like things because you think they are wonderful, and it doesn’t have to be any more profound than that. Let yourself enjoy things while they are here to enjoy.