Sun Enters Virgo

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The Sun enters Virgo on Sunday, August 20th at exactly 4:35 pm CDT and will stay here until September 22nd. For the past several weeks, while the Sun was in Leo, we expressed ourselves more confidently; now, we shift towards more internal processing. We should start to approach matters more analytically with attention to detail. Pick apart what really serves you in this world and what doesn’t anymore.

Discernment is a vital skill we need to have in our repertoire. For us to survive, we literally need good judgment. We have always relied on information to help us, whether it’s which mushrooms won’t kill us or how to interpret traffic signals. It is more important than ever that we sharpen our ability to refine and filter details to know what to pay attention to and what to let fall away.

Thankfully the Sun doesn’t make many unpleasant planetary connections while in Virgo, which should help damper some of the extra anxiety that Virgo season often brings. First, the Sun connects pleasantly with Uranus on September 6th, offering us a new viewpoint on a matter. We may also notice something we previously missed, so use this energy to uncover a new perspective.

Next, on September 13th, the Sun and Neptune oppose each other. Like any opposition, this will feel like a clash of planetary energies calling on us to rebalance or refocus. With Neptune involved, it may be that we need to use our intuition more or that we need to accept that every problem can’t be solved by gathering more information.

Finally, on September 16th, another pleasant connection happens between the Sun and Pluto. Around this time, we may be more confident in our capacity to handle matters influentially. Analytical abilities may also be heightened; use them to see things beyond the surface.

I want us to consider whether our overall perspective aligns with the way the world really is. If the way you’re living hasn’t evolved much over the past two years, you may need to change how you see things. It’s okay to stop clinging to the past; begin to accept that the world is different now, and you should be a little different now as well.