Mercury Enters Libra

Mercury enters Libra on Monday, August 30th at precisely 12:12 am CDT and will stay here until November 5th, which is much longer than usual due to its upcoming retrograde, which will take place from September 26th until October 18th. The next two months may have us seeing matters in a new light or learning from others what we missed. While we are reflecting on the past, we must push ourselves to be decisive.

Mercury in Libra can struggle with indecision. It is hard to find clarity if we’re too focused on being agreeable and open-minded. And it can be difficult to know what’s best when you are primarily concerned that no one gets hurt or offended. 

Thankfully, Mercury positively connects with Jupiter three times over the next two months (September 29th, October 3rd, and October 31st), helping us realize there is a difference between what is best for everyone on the surface and what is truly best for everyone. Jupiter in Aquarius doesn’t want us to think about what is best temporarily; it wants us to consider what is best permanently. Focus on the long term, find clarity in what lasts.

We should also expect some challenging moments, as Mercury will also square off with Pluto three times (September 22nd, October 1st, and November 2nd), showing us that we will still have some work to do. Expect some frustrating exchanges with others and powerful insights. People in power may do their best to control you; remember to stay kind.

Another significant moment happens on October 9th when Mercury joins Mars. Use this moment wisely. We may have the necessary skills to handle a delicate situation harmoniously, as long as we don’t overestimate our persuasiveness.

I don’t want to understate how challenging it may be for us to communicate effectively over the next two months. This upcoming retrograde will bring a lot of indecision and confusion, so following through with what we say may be difficult. As we learn to support each other more, we need to remember that others may be depending on us to follow through with what we say. Do not take on what isn’t feasible, just to be agreeable.