Sun Enters Libra

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The Sun will enter Libra on Wednesday, September 22nd at 2:21 pm CDT and stay here until October 23rd. As the Sun shifts into an air sign, interpersonal skills and relating to others become more important. And since none of us are mind readers, communication will be vital if we want to navigate the Sun’s time here effectively.

The Sun is in “fall” in Libra as it is harder for us to put ourselves first when we are forced to collaborate and cooperate. But we can still get what we want even if we have to go through other people. It’s okay to not always rely on your independence; there is a very good reason few people choose to live completely isolated - because it’s hard! Don’t be afraid to work with others in a mutually beneficial way.

The Sun stays busy during its time in Libra. First, it connects to Saturn on September 29th. This may be an optimal time for cooperative work or communicating something important about the future.

Next, on October 3rd, the Sun opposes Chiron. Set aside time to reflect and rebalance the energy you give others versus yourself.

The Sun joins Mars on October 7th, helping us see that we can get more done when we set our ego aside and work with others. Again, this is also a good reminder that we don’t always need to be so independent.

Then on October 9th, the Sun joins a retrograde Mercury. We may feel like our words or point aren’t getting across. If so, review and rethink your communication style and try again with a fresh perspective.

Matters become more hopeful on the 15th when the Sun connects with Jupiter. This is another good time to collaborate or just renew your sense of optimism.

Finally, on the 17th, the Sun squares off with Pluto pushing us to deal with our control issues. Remember that while control may help us feel safe, that feeling is just an illusion.

I want us to recognize that we can reach our goals faster when we include others. Even though we may have to sacrifice our ego a bit for the next four weeks, I hope it ultimately brings us more peace and happiness.