Full Moon in Pisces

There will be a Full Moon in Pisces on Monday, September 20th at precisely 6:55 pm CDT. This Full Moon is all about empathy -- empathy for others AND ourselves. Feelings can be scary but push yourself to lean into them right now. Deeply experiencing our emotions is what leads to the greatest understanding and compassion.

ARIES RISING: You may be too focused on serving others as a result of unresolved trauma. Process your deeper, subconscious emotions.

TAURUS RISING: Your creative or passionate pursuits may have lead you away from making alliances with others. Remember to include others in your vision.

GEMINI RISING: Home or family issues may be distracting you from your career or affecting your reputation, don't lose sight of what you are trying to achieve.

CANCER RISING: Communicating effectively or issues in your community may be taking your focus away from what you fundamentally hold true. Don't compromise your beliefs.

LEO RISING: You may be very focused on financial or real estate concerns. Consider what deep-rooted fears are affecting your decisions.

VIRGO RISING: You may be spending too much energy on yourself or how you identify, remember your relationships also need attention.

LIBRA RISING: Dealing with what has been causing your suffering may cause you to be distracted from your daily work or health. Create a daily routine and take more care of your health.

SCORPIO RISING: Friends and alliances may be your main priority, but remember to make time for fun and what you are passionate about personally.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: You may be very focused on what is happening in your career and neglecting family or home obligations. Remember to find a balance.

CAPRICORN RISING: You may be venturing out into the world more or focusing on what you truly believe, but don't let that distract you from what is happening close to you and what you need to communicate.

AQUARIUS RISING: Your fears or dependence on others is distracting you from securing what you really value. Rebalance your priorities.

PISCES RISING: While you've been focusing on your close relationships, you may have lost sight of your true identity. Remember to consider how you want others to perceive you.