Mercury Retrograde in Libra

Mercury will station retrograde in Libra on Monday, September 27th at 12:10 am CDT and will continue moving backward in the sky until October 18th. For the next three weeks, expect sudden delays, unanticipated problems, and as always, issues with electronics. Avoid signing contracts, be careful when negotiating, and back up all your data. 

Mercury retrogrades are often a time when we experience breakdowns in communication. With this retrograde in Libra, we can expect that issues around balance or equality to come up. We may realize that relationships, where conversations are one-sided or have one person opening up more, are no longer justifiable. 

We should also acknowledge that we don’t know what we don’t know. During this retrograde, we may be forced to consider what we hadn’t previously, so be open to new understandings during this time.

Mercury is very active during this retrograde, starting on October 1st when it squares Pluto bringing us a significant hurdle to navigate. A previous power issue may turn up, especially in regards to communication. Since this square is in cardinal signs, the problem may stem from a lack of follow-through.

On the 3rd, Mercury connects with Jupiter, making it an excellent time to revisit any group projects or old conversations. Also, reconsider how you mentally approach helping others and recalibrate if necessary.

October 9th is a big day as Mercury joins the Sun and Mars in Libra. Be very careful what you say; arguments can start quickly. Our mistakes may be revealed as well; try to see things objectively and avoid conflict.

Finally, on the 16th, Mercury connects with Venus giving us a chance to smooth over miscommunications and realign our perspective towards others.

Spend this time rethinking the way you communicate and exchange information. As a Venus-ruled air sign, Libra is primarily concerned with objective truth and stays away from its ugly side. “Say what you mean, but don’t say it mean” sums this up perfectly. Find space to be both honest and kind.