Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra

On October 14th, there will be a New Moon in Libra at exactly 12:55 pm CDT and a Solar Eclipse. The eclipse will last from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. in Chicago, but this varies on location, so please check for more information. All eclipses are considerable, but this one is especially significant, so please prepare some time and space to be alone with your feelings this weekend.

There is quite a bit of important astrology happening during this eclipse. First, Mercury is only four degrees away from this eclipse and is applying to a conjunction with the Sun and opposing Chiron. This indicates that there is an inherent disagreement between ourselves and our deeper emotional wounds. Perhaps we’ve been burying our feelings in order to maintain a semblance of order or rationality, but around eclipse time, that coping mechanism may begin to fall apart.

Second, the Sun and Moon will be very close to the North Node. The lunar nodes factor into every eclipse, but in this one, they are very close - less than three degrees apart. Events over the next few days may have a fated quality to them, and it is important that we graciously accept whatever the universe hands us over this time.

And finally, the Moon is applying to a square with Pluto. Usually, this transit pushes us toward emotional analysis, but with the planets in Libra and Capricorn respectively, it may be channeled into emotional power struggles. If we are not careful, we could get manipulated into compromise or people-pleasing when we should focus more on self-achievement and personal success.

What will help us most during this eclipse is to remember that feelings are not facts, they are information. This means that if something hurts your feelings, it does not necessarily mean it was meant to hurt you. Instead, we can look to our reaction for information. Why did I react that way? What is this bringing up for me? What was I expecting to happen? By doing this, we can see that instead of rationality and feelings being enemies of one another, they can be friends.