Venus Enters Taurus

Venus enters Taurus on March 16th at exactly 5:34 pm CDT and will stay here until April 10th. This is a positive shift for Venus as it finally returns to one of its home signs after many months! Venus loves the strength and comfort Taurus provides because love (and money, Venus does rule money, after all) flourishes under stable conditions.

Many of us could improve how well or how consistently we care for the other people in our lives. Loving and caring for others is inherently risky,  so understandably, we want some consistency and reliability from our partners. Deep down, we want to feel comfortable in our relationships, and we want people in our lives that we can depend on. Focus on who you can depend on over the next three weeks, but also consider if others can rely on you.

Venus’ first connection is on March 17th, when it connects with Saturn by sextile. Since Saturn is newly in Pisces, this is the first time these planets have connected like this since the 90s! There is an exciting opportunity for us to practice devotion or turn a relationship that may seem too good to be true or unattainable into a reality.

Then on March 30th, Venus joins Taurus in Uranus. This once-a-year connection again forces us to adjust how we approach relationships and pushes us to be more independent. New relationships are possible, but so are break-ups or changes in loyalty, as we may want to free ourselves of chaotic relationships. Avoid financial transactions and decisions around this time.

Finally, on April 7th, Venus connects with Neptune. Spend some time relaxing with those you love or care about. Look for an opportunity to express your feelings romantically or creatively.

What we care about requires and deserves our concentration. We’ve all experienced relationships where we felt like an afterthought, and it doesn’t feel good - relationships need time and attention. So give those you love encouragement and comfort, and be a reliable presence in their lives. We all deserve a little more consistency and consideration.