Saturn Enters Pisces

Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th at exactly 7:35 am CST and will stay here until 2026. The next three years are our opportunity to work on more practical or realistic uses of compassion and care. We will also shift our focus toward creating more certainty around confusing or ambiguous topics or concepts. Above all, we will only receive the kindness we give, and it will become more evident that what is at the root of our actions is what we will ultimately be confronted with.

Despite what we might assume, Saturn has no debility in Pisces. Pisces is a neutral zone for Saturn because it values Saturn’s ability to give form and structure to its nebulous nature. It appreciates Saturn’s role in showing us how to enact compassion in constructive and tangible ways.

Saturn in Pisces helps us form more mature reactions as we establish better emotional boundaries. Our compassion may be limitless, but our time isn’t, so we must get serious about who and what we give our feelings to. Focus on the highest good and apply yourself diligently to only that. However, remember that when we lack compassion for others, others will lack compassion for us. So be thoughtful and careful about where you direct your energy because that is what will be returned to you.

Saturn in Aquarius taught us that we need to care about each other, but Saturn in Pisces requires we do the actual work of caring. Difficult lessons are in store for those of us who remain selfish and ignorant of the higher need of humanity. Refusing enlightenment will only bring us more and more obstacles as we fight against the flow of this energy. Do the inner reflection that life is demanding of you. Recognize how your inhibitions are not only holding you back but the rest of society back because we are all part of a collective.

A lack of imagination is the only thing keeping us from believing a better world is possible. We must rise above our doubts and pessimism to embrace wisdom and kindness even when difficult. So stop taking the easy route. It won’t lead to anything meaningful or important. The world needs you to be the best version of yourself that you can be.