Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury enters Pisces at exactly 4:52 pm CST and will stay here until March 18th. Mercury finds Pisces an uncomfortable sign to be in, as Mercury prefers certainty and boundaries, and Pisces forces it to be more nebulous and indistinct. This may be a challenging time for us mentally, but if we embrace our inner voice and discard the need for concrete answers, we may actually discover a lot of valuable information sitting inside of us.

Mercury is also giving us a preview of what we may expect as Saturn enters Pisces next week. We all need to prepare for matters to be, at least on the surface, a lot more unclear. Increasingly often, we just aren’t going to be totally sure and will have to use less factual, less informative means of assessing information. Relying more on our intuition or gut feelings will be paramount if we want to navigate the next three more successfully.

Mercury's first connection is on March 11th, when it connects with Uranus by sextile. Look for opportunities around this time to see issues from a different perspective. Remember, sextiles need action from us to be activated, so if we want to see matters in a new light, we may need to give ourselves a little push.

Next, Mercury joins Neptune on the morning of March 16th. Although matters may be difficult to understand clearly, our intuition will be incredibly sensitive, and our ability to listen to others compassionately will improve.

Mercury also squares off with Mars that same day, further indicating that we should take vibes a little more into account instead of purely relying upon factual information.

On top of that, Mercury joins the Sun on the night of the 16th, guiding us to listen to our inner voice when making meaningful choices. 

Finally, on March 18th, Mercury connects with Pluto. If we pay attention, we will find a chance to see a matter which much more insight, which may transform our perspective.

Let’s spend the next few weeks practicing trusting our minds, even despite a lack of definitive information. If you listen, valuable answers are inside of you, so have a little more faith trusting yourself.