The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd at exactly 8:04 pm CDT and will stay here until October 23rd. This transit will provide a little relief during this stressful and often chaotic time, especially after September 29th, when Venus enters Libra. Then we will have the Sun ruled by a very strong Venus, which should help us smooth over a few rough spots.
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury will station retrograde on September 9th at exactly 10:38 pm CDT. Mercury will retrograde through Libra, re-enter Virgo on September 23rd, and then station direct on October 2nd. As usual, this will primarily affect contracts, verbal agreements, plans, travel, and electronics. On top of that, Mercury is currently ruling the Sun and Venus, and Venus is ruling Mercury (we call this mutual reception in astrology), so relationships and finances will also be affected. Please double-check anything in writing, read all the fine print, and have backup plans.
Venus Enters Virgo
Venus enters Virgo on September 4th at 11:05 pm CDT and will stay here until September 29th. This will be a tricky Venus transit as Venus’ ruler, Mercury, will station retrograde on September 9th, which means our relationships may begin to backpedal or hit some bumps. We may become over-critical of where things stand, and it will be crucial for us not to get lost in a maze of analysis or judgment.
Mercury Enters Libra
Mercury enters Libra on August 25th at exactly 8:03 pm CDT and will stay here until September 23rd when it re-enters Virgo due to an upcoming retrograde. Mercury, the planet that rules our minds and communication style, will be direct in Libra for only two weeks, which means initiate any important projects now before matters get complicated.
Sun Enters Virgo
The Sun enters Virgo on August 22nd at exactly 10:16 pm CDT and will stay here until September 22nd. This Virgo season will be a little different than usual because Mercury, the Sun’s ruler, will retrograde in Libra starting September 9th. Whatever important decisions we’d like to make, we should make them soon.
Mars Enters Gemini
Mars enters Gemini on August 20th at exactly 2:56 am CDT and will stay here for an incredible seven months due to an upcoming Mars retrograde. I can’t stress enough how impactful and, quite honestly, exhausting the next seven months will be. Gemini energy, while lighthearted, can be chaotic, so we must maintain a strong core; otherwise, we may find ourselves shaken and tossed around in ways we don’t appreciate.
Full Moon in Aquarius
Venus Enters Leo
Venus enters Leo on August 11th at exactly 1:30 pm CDT and will stay here until September 4th. This transit encourages us to get back in touch with our own aesthetic - what we find beautiful and attractive. We are also ready for our expressions of love to get bigger and bolder, as we love ourselves and others more. It’s time to bring whatever romantic feelings or values you've kept in the dark into the light.
Mercury Enters Virgo
Mercury enters Virgo on August 4th at exactly 1:58 am CDT and will stay here until August 25th. Mercury is back in one of its home signs where it is most comfortable, but that will mean our minds will be more active than usual. We all have a unique relationship with our minds, so for some of us, this will be a very productive time, but others may find themselves overwhelmed and constantly trying to interpret information. Let’s make sure to take breaks and get out of our heads occasionally.
Astrology for August 2022
Jupiter Retrograde 2022
Jupiter stations retrograde on July 28th at exactly 3:37 pm CDT. Jupiter's retrograde cycle will last until November 23rd and will take the planet back through Aries and into Pisces before it stations direct again. This will be a period of questioning and adjusting what we had faith in and why we had faith in it.
Sun Enters Leo
Mercury Enters Leo
Venus Enters Cancer
Mars Enters Taurus
Mercury Enters Cancer
Mercury enters Cancer on July 5th at exactly 1:25 am CDT and will stay here until July 19th. We have just two short weeks with this transit, but mentally we will go through many stages as our outlook changes every 2-3 days with the Moon, Cancer’s ruler. Don’t hold too tightly to one communication strategy - let your emotions dictate your approach.
Astrology for July 2022
Venus Enters Gemini
Venus enters Gemini on June 22 at exactly 7:34 pm CDT and will stay here until July 17th. The focus of our relationships and values undergo a shift away from pleasure and comfort toward connection and engagement. We must understand and appreciate that relationships do not thrive under silence and can not evolve if they lack mental stimulation.
Sun Enters Cancer
Mercury Re-enters Gemini
Mercury re-enters Gemini on June 13th at exactly 10:27 am CDT and will stay here until July 4th. It’s time again to re-focus our communication style towards being more curious and adaptable. Give your brain a bit of a break - let it jump from thought to thought, let it play with new ideas, and most importantly, let it be open to learning.