Mars Enters Scorpio
On Saturday, October 30th, Mars enters Scorpio after spending two months in Libra and will stay here until December 13th. This will be a dramatic change for Mars as they go from adversity in Libra to a place of ease and advantage in Scorpio. Our primal instincts will be the driving force behind many of our actions as we face our deepest hopes and fears. It’s time to get honest about what is really motivating our behavior.
Sun Enters Scorpio
The Sun enters Scorpio at exactly 11:51 pm CDT on Friday, October 22nd, and will stay here until November 21st. Scorpio is a water sign, so emotions fuel our expressions and decisions for the next four weeks. We should take this time to embrace our feelings and learn that only when we are aware of our own fears and suffering can we understand our motivations.
Venus Enters Sagittarius
Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday, October 7th at 6:21 am CDT and stays here until November 5th. We leave the mystery of Scorpio behind us and aim our direction towards what we desire. There is also finally a planet in a fire sign! We now feel more comfortable moving forward and making progress regarding our relationships and finances.
New Moon in Libra
This is quite a different New Moon than usual. Usually, I would say that this is a quiet time where we should reflect on what we would like to begin or shift our attention to, but Mars joins this New Moon, and all three planets are ruled by Venus in Scorpio, so the energy may be anything but calm. For this New Moon in Libra, we must focus on being intentional in our relationships and how we communicate. It will benefit us more if we concentrate on being more consistent and reliable than scattered or unpredictable.
Mercury Retrograde in Libra
Mercury retrogrades are often a time when we experience breakdowns in communication. With this retrograde in Libra, we can expect that issues around balance or equality to come up. We may realize that relationships, where conversations are one-sided or have one person opening up more, are no longer justifiable.
Sun Enters Libra
The Sun will enter Libra on Wednesday, September 22nd at 2:21 pm CDT and stay here until October 23rd. As the Sun shifts into an air sign, interpersonal skills and relating to others become more important. And since none of us are mind readers, communication will be vital if we want to navigate the Sun’s time here effectively.
Full Moon in Pisces
There will be a Full Moon in Pisces on Monday, September 20th at precisely 6:55 pm CDT. This Full Moon is all about empathy -- empathy for others AND ourselves. Feelings can be scary but push yourself to lean into them right now. Deeply experiencing our emotions is what leads to the greatest understanding and compassion.
ARIES RISING: You may be too focused on serving others as a result of unresolved trauma. Process your deeper, subconscious emotions.
TAURUS RISING: Your creative or passionate pursuits may have lead you away from making alliances with others. Remember to include others in your vision.
GEMINI RISING: Home or family issues may be distracting you from your career or affecting your reputation, don't lose sight of what you are trying to achieve.
CANCER RISING: Communicating effectively or issues in your community may be taking your focus away from what you fundamentally hold true. Don't compromise your beliefs.
LEO RISING: You may be very focused on financial or real estate concerns. Consider what deep-rooted fears are affecting your decisions.
VIRGO RISING: You may be spending too much energy on yourself or how you identify, remember your relationships also need attention.
LIBRA RISING: Dealing with what has been causing your suffering may cause you to be distracted from your daily work or health. Create a daily routine and take more care of your health.
SCORPIO RISING: Friends and alliances may be your main priority, but remember to make time for fun and what you are passionate about personally.
SAGITTARIUS RISING: You may be very focused on what is happening in your career and neglecting family or home obligations. Remember to find a balance.
CAPRICORN RISING: You may be venturing out into the world more or focusing on what you truly believe, but don't let that distract you from what is happening close to you and what you need to communicate.
AQUARIUS RISING: Your fears or dependence on others is distracting you from securing what you really value. Rebalance your priorities.
PISCES RISING: While you've been focusing on your close relationships, you may have lost sight of your true identity. Remember to consider how you want others to perceive you.
Mars Enters Libra
Mars enters Libra on Tuesday, September 14th at precisely 7:14 pm CDT and will stay here until October 30th. Mars faces a lot of adversity in Libra as it is a sign ruled by Venus -- Mars and Venus have almost opposite goals. We will be forced to put our more selfish impulses aside while we center our actions around relationships and act with more sensitivity.
Venus Enters Scorpio
Venus leaves Libra and enters Scorpio at 3:39 pm CDT on Friday, September 10th. This will be a significant shift for Venus as we begin to desire relationships with deeper connections, and it will pose some challenges. Bringing a relationship from surface level to something more complex can be a tricky path to navigate.
New Moon in Virgo
Astrology for September 2021
Mercury Enters Libra
Mercury enters Libra on Monday, August 30th at precisely 12:12 am CDT and will stay here until November 5th, which is much longer than usual due to its upcoming retrograde, which will take place from September 26th until October 18th. The next two months may have us seeing matters in a new light or learning from others what we missed. While we are reflecting on the past, we must push ourselves to be decisive.
Sun Enters Virgo
The Sun enters Virgo on Sunday, August 20th at exactly 4:35 pm CDT and will stay here until September 22nd. For the past several weeks, while the Sun was in Leo, we expressed ourselves more confidently; now, we shift towards more internal processing. We should start to approach matters more analytically with attention to detail. Pick apart what really serves you in this world and what doesn’t anymore.
Venus Enters Libra
Venus leaves Virgo and will enter Libra on Sunday, August 15th at 11:27 pm CDT and stay here until September 10th. While we were more concerned with practical expressions of love when Venus was in Virgo, it is now time for us to concentrate on relating to others by being cooperative, persuasive, and charming.
Mercury Enters Virgo
Mercury will officially enter Virgo on Wednesday, August 11th at exactly 4:57 pm CDT and stay here until August 29th. Mercury is at home in Virgo, as it is one of the two signs it rules. It is time for us to concentrate on being more analytical and objective. Communicate with purpose and make sure you are properly informed.
Astrology for August 2021
Mars Enters Virgo
Mars leaves Leo and enters Virgo on Thursday, July 29th at precisely 3:32 pm CDT and stays here until September 14th. For now, we can expect our actions to be less expressive but more thoughtful and precise. Sometimes holding back and analyzing the situation is just as valid as bravely rushing into something.
Jupiter Re-enters Aquarius
Jupiter re-enters Aquarius on Wednesday, July 28th, as it continues along its retrograde journey. Jupiter will stay in this sign until December 28th, when it will re-enter Pisces. Jupiter will no longer be ruling over itself as it was in Pisces but will have to answer to Saturn now. Saturn is known for being strict and only rewarding genuine effort, so we will have to reconsider how much we are trying and how seriously we are taking matters in our lives.
Mercury Enters Leo
Mercury enters Leo on July 27th at precisely 8:12 pm CDT and will stay until August 11th. Fortunately, our thoughts and how we communicate should get less emotional, and we can finally put ourselves first more. However, we should be careful because this Leo season features a lot of opposing Aquarian energy.