The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd at exactly 9:26 am CDT. We finally get to leave behind the emotional energy of Cancer and spend the next four weeks in the Sun’s home sign of Leo, where it is most comfortable. Our priorities may be torn in two different directions over the next month, though, as Leo opposes some strong Aquarian energy, and it’s going to be up to us to figure out how to balance it all.
Venus Enters Virgo
Mercury Enters Cancer
Mercury finally gets out of Gemini, enters Cancer at exactly 3:35 pm CDT, and stays there until July 27th. Mercury has been in Gemini for the last 8 weeks, which is unusually long due to its retrograde. Many of us are mentally exhausted at this point due to overthinking and our minds racing. Begin to shift away from communicating in a way where you are just collecting information or focusing on the facts. We can actually care about others through our words by reaching out, asking thoughtful questions, and communicating empathy.
Astrology for July
Venus Enters Leo
On Saturday, June 26th, Venus will enter Leo at exactly 11:27 pm CDT and stay here until July 21st. This should be a relatively nice emotional shift as Venus leaves Cancer, helping us leave some of our emotional insecurities behind and move forward with purpose and determination. So embrace your loyal and charismatic qualities, act with more affection, and radiate warmth.
Full Moon in Capricorn
Mercury Direct in Gemini
Sun Enters Cancer
The Sun will leave Gemini and enter Cancer on Sunday, June 20th at exactly 10:32 pm CDT. This event also marks the Summer/Winter Solstice. Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon, so we are often extra sensitive, and our moods rarely stay in one place. The Sun will be pretty busy during its time in Cancer which should help us work through some of the emotions we’ve put on hold.
Jupiter Retrograde 2021
On Sunday, June 20th Jupiter will station retrograde in Pisces. Jupiter’s retrograde will last until October 17th and will have Jupiter retrograde all through Pisces back into Aquarius. We must spend the next four months considering what deeper truths are important to us and which people in our lives feel similarly.
Mars Enters Leo
Mars officially enters Leo on Friday, June 11th at 8:34 am CDT. Mars will stay here for about two months until July 29th. We will start to shift our focus away from others and more towards ourselves. Start doing things that make you feel good! Put yourself out there more, and take some (calculated) risks! Embrace the part of you that is strong-willed and self-assured!
Solar Eclipse in Gemini
On Thursday, June 10th, there will be a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Gemini. This is the continuation of a matter that came to light two weeks ago, around the time of the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Gemini and Sagittarius are opposite each other in the zodiac, so there is a push and pull situation happening in our lives right now, and it is up to us to find a balance.
Venus Enters Cancer
Venus will leave Gemini and enter Cancer Wednesday, June 2nd at exactly 8:19 am CDT. Venus will stay in Cancer until June 26th, so we should spend the next three weeks focusing on nurturing what we care about and examining any insecurities that lead us to bond with undesirable people. Mercury will also be retrograde for most of Venus’ time in Cancer, so be careful if people from your past resurface; make sure you do not let them emotionally take advantage of you. Maintain those healthy boundaries while securing the relationships that build you up.
Astrology for June
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini
On Saturday, May 29th, Mercury will station retrograde in Gemini. Mercury will continue that motion until June 22nd, but things won’t be back to normal until June 30th, when Mercury gains more speed. As usual, avoid significant or important decisions during this time. Also, choose carefully and make any decisions cautiously.
Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius
Saturn will station retrograde in Aquarius on May 23rd and continue this motion until October 10th, 2021. We should hold off starting any important long-term projects if possible until Saturn stations direct, as this is a time for reflection and review. If you know what house in your chart has Aquarius on the cusp, consider especially that area of your life. There may be matters that need some adjustments or rethinking.
Sun Enters Gemini
The Sun enters Gemini on Thursday, May 20th at 2:37 pm CDT. While the Sun was in Taurus, we focused more on establishing ourselves and securing tangible assets; now, we should direct our attention to making adjustments or modifications using our mental abilities and connecting with others. Notice what you learn when you are more engaged and curious about the world around you. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is also in Gemini right now about to station retrograde, so the next four weeks may have us rethinking some issues and exploring new ideas about moving forward.
Jupiter Enters Pisces
Jupiter finally leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on Thursday, May 13th at exactly 5:36 pm CDT and will stay here until July 28th. Jupiter’s time in Pisces will only be 11 weeks as it has a retrograde cycle coming up on June 20th that will push it back into Aquarius. Jupiter is much happier in Pisces, where its emotional optimism is welcomed, and its search for the deeper meanings behind matters is honored. We should also expect to see artistic and creative projects getting much more attention over the next couple of months as we reprioritize their role in our culture.
Venus Enters Gemini
Venus leaves Taurus and enters Gemini at exactly 9:01 pm CDT on Saturday, May 8th. Venus will stay in Gemini until June 2nd. It is time for us to focus on communicating what we desire and expect from others. We should also shift our focus to those in our lives with who we can have an easy conversation or share a joke as they will become more important to us.
Mercury Enters Gemini
Mercury enters Gemini on Monday, May 3rd, at precisely 9:49 pm CDT. Mercury will finally be back in one of its home signs increasing Mercury’s power and ability to express itself. The end of May will also feature a Mercury retrograde that will last from May 29th until June 22nd, so get things in order now and prepare for a complicated June.