Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on January 18th at exactly 7:12 am CST and will stay in Capricorn until February 11th when it enters Aquarius. We still have close to a month left to work with this energy so let’s use it to our advantage by considering what we say and how we see matters more seriously.
Mars Direct in Gemini
Venus Enters Aquarius
Venus enters Aquarius on January 2nd at exactly 8:09 pm CST and will stay here until January 26th. For the second time in a row, Venus will be ruled by a strong Saturn, pushing us to raise our standards and avoid annoying relationships. Again, if we are approaching others unseriously, we may not get positive results.
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn
Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn at exactly 3:32 am CST today and will continue in this direction until January 18th, 2023. In traditional astrology, a retrograde interferes will a planet’s ability to carry out its natural functions, and since Mercury rules our thoughts, ideas, and ability to communicate, we should expect frustrations and issues in these areas of our lives.
Sun Enters Capricorn
The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st at exactly 3:48 pm CST and will stay here until January 20th. This also marks a Solstice as the light of the Sun reverses course, and the days either get longer or shorter depending on the hemisphere. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we can begin to work our way out of winter’s darkness as we reflect on the tougher lessons we’ve learned this year.
Jupiter Re-enters Aries
Jupiter re-enters Aries on December 20th at 8:32 am CST and will stay here until May 16th, 2023. We already had a preview of this transit when Jupiter was in Aries from May to October this year. For many of us, the next five months once again allows us to focus on our strengths and abilities. Jupiter in Aries will also push us to be more adventurous and energetic while refusing to let anyone or any circumstance get in our way.
Venus Enters Capricorn
Venus enters Capricorn on December 9th at 9:54 pm CST and stays here until January 2nd. Venus has no debility or dignity in Capricorn and will be ruled by a strong Saturn in Aquarius, so this may be an excellent time to solidify or strengthen your relationships. This transit will also be an ideal time to deal with financial issues as we are likely to make sensible and responsible choices.
Mercury Enters Capricorn
Mercury enters Capricorn on December 6th at exactly 4:08 pm CST and will stay here until February 11th, which is much longer than usual due to an upcoming retrograde on December 29th. Mercury has no dignity or debility in Capricorn, so we will primarily be on our own when it comes to getting the results we desire out of this transit.
Sun Enters Sagittarius
The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd at 2:20 am CST and will stay here until December 21st. Another planet gets out of Mars’ rule and is ruled now by Jupiter in Pisces, helping us go through life with a little more lightness and levity. Although we shouldn’t take that to mean that everything is fun and jokes now - Jupiter is in Pisces, so we still must remember to be kind and compassionate above all else.
Mercury Enters Sagittarius
Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 17th at exactly 2:42 am CST and will stay here until December 6th. Mercury finally escapes the rulership of Mars but, unfortunately, isn’t comfortable in Sagittarius because there is a tendency to monopolize the conversation or speak without thinking first. The good news is, Jupiter, the planet ruling Sagittarius, is in a strong position, so as long as we take time to pause and use our compassion, we can have some really productive and meaningful conversations or ideas.
Venus Enters Sagittarius
Venus enters Sagittarius on November 16th at exactly 12:09 am CST and will stay here until December 9th. Venus finally gets out from being under the rule of a debilitated Mars and will now be ruled by a strong Jupiter. Our relationships and financial situations can finally exhale as they move to a more positive place.
Mars Retrograde in Gemini
Jupiter Re-enters Pisces
Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 28th at exactly 12:10 am CDT and will stay here until December 20th. Although typically Jupiter and Pisces are best friends, they are dealing with a challenging situation as Jupiter is currently in the midst of a retrograde cycle that will last until November 23rd. We may be spending the time until Jupiter is direct re-evaluating how we experience and generate genuine compassion and kindness.
Mercury in Scorpio
Mercury enters Scorpio on October 29th at exactly 2:22 pm CDT and will stay here until November 17th. As with all the planets in Scorpio right now, Mercury’s ruler Mars will be retrograde during its duration in Scorpio. Communication may be difficult for us if we don’t understand our deeper motivations.
Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
There will be a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio on October 25th at 5:49 am CDT. Remember that eclipses always happen in pairs, so we are really kicking off a two-week period (often referred to as eclipse season) that tends to throw matters in disarray and spur unexpected events. The corresponding Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is on November 8th, so until then, hold off on starting any important projects or making impetuous decisions.
Venus Enters Scorpio
Venus enters Scorpio on October 23rd at exactly 2:52 am CDT and will stay here until November 16th. Venus is unfortunately rather unhappy in Scorpio, and matters will be compounded further by Mars, Venus’s ruler, stationing retrograde. The next three weeks will allow us to assess our relationships once again and perhaps even cut ties with those not meeting our emotional needs.
Sun Enters Scorpio
The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd at exactly 5:36 am CDT and will stay here until November 22nd. This will be quite a significant change for the Sun, who is leaving cool, detached, and logical Libra and entering the intense waters of Scorpio. The situation gets even more chaotic as the Sun’s ruler in Scorpio, Mars, will be retrograde. This Scorpio season may be turbulent in ways we never expected.
Saturn Direct in Aquarius
Pluto Direct
Mercury Direct
Mercury ended its retrograde cycle on October 2nd at exactly 4:07 am CDT. We still have one more Mercury retrograde this year, beginning at the end of December when Mercury is in Capricorn. But we got through this one, so let’s focus on that for now. This retrograde felt genuinely eye-opening. We became aware (and for those already aware, became sure) that what isn’t working, especially around relationships, really isn’t working.