Sun Enters Cancer

On Saturday, June 20th, the Sun will leave Gemini and enter Cancer at 5:44 pm CDT. Having the Sun in a Moon ruled sign will highlight our emotions, intuition, and memories. The Moon represents the feminine energy that creates life and our origins, and also where we find comfort. While the Sun is in Cancer pay attention to the structures and habits you’ve fallen into simply because they were comforting.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

Today, June 17th, Mercury ended its direct motion and turned retrograde. Mercury is still in Cancer and will remain there until the retrograde is over on July 19th. For the next few weeks we will be reviewing our feelings and re-evaluating what really nurtures us. Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon, and remember, the Moon changes sign every 2-3 days, which is partly why Cancer is a more sensitive, and at times, moody sign. A lot of different feelings will rise up during this retrograde and it is up to us to sort through them.

Mercury Enters Cancer

Today, May 28th, at exactly 1:09 pm CDT Mercury leaves Gemini and enters Cancer. Mercury usually stays in a sign for about three weeks, but will have an extended stay in Cancer due to an upcoming Mercury retrograde. Get ready for a summer of feelings because Mercury will be here until August 4th! Cancer, as a sign, is primarily concerned with safety and security, so while Mercury is here our thoughts turn more to matters around comfort. Cancer is also a water sign so we may be less logical and more emotional while Mercury is here.

Sun Enters Gemini

Today, May 20th, at 8:49 am, the Sun left Taurus and entered Gemini. Since Venus and Mercury are already in Gemini, this isn’t exactly new energy, but more of a continuation of a theme. We will still be interested in variety, and communication will continue to take a prominent role in our lives. We should try to keep ourselves busy mentally with reading and talking.

Jupiter Retrograde

Today, May 14th, Jupiter turns retrograde for the next four months. This will give us a long chance to re-evaluate our goals and aspirations. We’ve been dealing with a lot of changes in our lives, and this may have shifted what we value and how we approach our goals. Jupiter will spend the entirety of its retrograde in Capricorn, a sign that is primarily concerned with propriety and practicality. This retrograde may bring up issues around how we are growing as people.

Venus Retrograde

Today, May 13th, Venus stopped its direct motion and turned retrograde. This of course doesn’t mean the planet is literally moving backward, but that the planet has moved close enough to Earth that its orbit has slowed down and it simply appears in the sky to be moving backward. When Venus turns retrograde we should similarly expect matters Venus rules (money, relationships, art) to also slow down, or reverse course.

Mars Enters Pisces

Today, May 12th, at 11:17 pm CDT, Mars will leave Aquarius and enter Pisces. While Mars was in Aquarius we were objective and logical. Now we turn to more intuitive insights and actions. We are still in a place where we are concerned with others, but at a more emotional level now. Hopefully Mars in Pisces can help us learn how to adapt during this tumultuous time as it pushes us to release control, and go with the flow more.

Mercury Enters Gemini

Today, May 11th, Mercury leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. As Gemini is one of its home signs, Mercury is exceedingly comfortable here. Our mental activities will become more engaging and spirited, and we will expand our knowledge with increased curiosity. I once heard Mercury in Gemini described as “thinking through communicating,” meaning Mercury figures out matters by talking and engaging with the outer world. This is not a situation where we are likely to sit quietly, pondering our thoughts alone, so seek out interesting conversations and ideas (from the safety of your home!).

Saturn Retrograde

Well the last six months have been a lot! Many people were dealing with difficult things before the pandemic started, and now in many ways, life can seem completely overwhelming. Saturn is present in our lives to teach us about limitations, fear, and loss. Now that Saturn has turned retrograde it’s time to consider all that we’ve been through, and how we can use unfortunate circumstances for growth and renewal.

Mercury Enters Taurus

Today, April 27th at 2:53 pm CDT, Mercury leaves Aries and enters Taurus. If you spoke out of turn, or said something you shouldn’t have while Mercury was in Aries, Mercury in Taurus gives us a chance to calm down, and really think before we speak. Communications may slow down, as everyone takes more time deciding what they want to say, and decision making will focus on being practical.

Mercury Enters Aries

On April 10th at 11:48pm Mercury will leave Pisces and enter cardinal, fire sign Aries. This is going to feel like a giant change. Mentally, we are coming out of the ocean depths of Pisces, and rising to the surface ready to confront the world. Aries is a Mars-ruled sign, so it wants to get things done. It is not content just sitting peacefully with one’s thoughts. Mercury in Aries wants action behind those ideas. Our attention span is also going to get shorter, and we will be more reactive than usual. And be warned, opinions are getting stronger, and people may be less tolerant of others who disagree with them. The good news is that the next few weeks are a great time to initiate conversations – especially with Venus in Gemini. Reach out to people you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Venus Enters Gemini

It will be incredibly important to connect with friends and family for the next few months. For the obvious reason, most of us are under stay at home orders, and crave connection, but also, Gemini is a very mental, conversationalist sign. So if you’re the kind of person who loves texting and facetiming, this could really be your time to shine. And if you’re not – push yourself to reach out more.

Mars Enters Aquarius

Today, March 30th, at 2:43pm CDT, Mars will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius. Although Capricorn and Aquarius are both Saturn-ruled signs, we will feel a shift in energy. The energy will be lighter as Aquarius is an air sign, and things will be a little less frustrating because Aquarius tends to look out and forward, seeing the bigger picture. And right now, that is more important than ever.

Saturn Enters Aquarius

Tonight at 10:58pm CDT Saturn leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius where it will spend the next two to three years! Just like when it was in Capricorn, Saturn is especially comfortable here as is it one of the two signs Saturn naturally rules. Even though it is comfortable in both signs, Saturn in Aquarius will be quite different than Saturn in Capricorn.

Sun Enters Aries

Tonight the Sun will leave Pisces and enter Aries at 10:50 pm CDT. Today, March 19th, is also the Spring Equinox, and International Astrology Day. Traditionally, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and marks a sort of astrological new year. The Sun is “exalted” is Aries because it is in a good position to lead, and express itself. Aries, as a cardinal and fire sign, just wants to get things started. This is why there is a tendency with Aries to come off as impatient and restless. Aries have a reputation for being a little too much, but maybe the rest of us just resent how action-orientated and energetic they are.

Mercury Has Finally Turned Direct!

Last night, March 9th, Mercury ended it’s retrograde and returns to direct motion. From what I’ve heard from clients and friends this was an especially problematic Mercury retrograde, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief. We aren’t totally in the clear yet – Mercury is still in it’s “storm” which is when Mercury is technically direct, but is moving so slowly it still isn’t very helpful. Mark MARCH 19th in your calendars – that is when we get the official all clear and can finally start new projects.

Full Moon in Virgo

The Full Moon in Virgo will be exact March 9th at 12:47pm CST. The dichotomy between Virgo and Pisces, which are opposite each other, will be palpable during this Full Moon. The Sun, in Pisces, will be joined closely by Neptune, a planet which has a tendency to make matters less clear. The Virgo Full Moon doesn’t appreciate this because it values organization and clarity. So while it may seem like we are trying to get some orderliness in our lives, we keep losing our way.

The best way to understand this Full Moon is to look to Jupiter in Capricorn because both the Moon and Sun connect to it during the Full Moon.

Sun Enters Pisces

Tonight, February 18th, the Sun will leave Aquarius at 10:57pm CST, and enter Pisces. As a water sign Pisces is sensitive and intuitive, but is also compassionate and generous because it’s planetary ruler is Jupiter. The last few months have brought a lot of Capricorn energy. Responsibilities and goals have been our focus lately, and it hasn’t been easy with Saturn and Pluto there. The Sun moving into Pisces is telling us that in order to accomplish things, sometimes we have to look past the surface.