Mars Enters Taurus

Mars finally leaves Aries and enters Taurus on January 6th at exactly 4:27 pm CST. Mars spent six months in Aries, which is unusually long due to a retrograde. I know many of us have felt a lot of frustration over the last six months, hopefully that will change now. Mars will stay in Taurus until March 3rd with no retrogrades, yay! Mars in Taurus is all about slow and consistent action, so focus your energy on things you can stick to and matters that require commitment. Check-in with yourself and make sure you are making progress, though; Mars can sometimes be a little too slow in Taurus, so make sure you aren't putting things off.

Sun Enters Capricorn

On December 21st, the Sun will leave Sagittarius and enter Capricorn at exactly 4:02 am CST. Today also marks the Solstice, a day when the Sun spends the least amount of time above the horizon in the northern hemisphere and the most in the southern. And to top things off, it is also the day of the Great Conjunction, when Jupiter and Saturn meet in Aquarius. To say the least, this is a turning point, finally, at the end of 2020.

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

On Monday, December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will join each other in the 0 degree of Aquarius, an event that only happens once every 20 years. Jupiter and Saturn haven’t been together in Aquarius since 1405. This also sets off a new 200-year cycle making this Great Conjunction also a Great Mutation. This is a significant shift that we will experience gradually as a society.

Jupiter Enters Aquarius

Jupiter enters Aquarius on Saturday, December 19th at 7:07 am CST. Jupiter will stay here for about a year, with some dips back and forth due to its retrograde starting in June. While Jupiter was in Capricorn it was very concerned with societal structures and the authorities within those structures. Jupiter in Aquarius doesn’t really care about any of that. It wants us to think bigger; it wants us to expand our perception of what’s possible.

Saturn Re-Enters Aquarius

On Wednesday, December 16th, Saturn leaves Capricorn and re-enters Aquarius, where it will spend the next two and a half years. Saturn was previously in Aquarius for a bit in March, but it didn’t stay there long because of its retrograde. Saturn will also be activating squares to the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio) now. Just like when it was in Capricorn, Saturn is especially comfortable here as it is one of the two signs Saturn naturally rules. Even though it is comfortable in both signs, Saturn in Aquarius will be quite different than Saturn in Capricorn.

Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius

On Monday, December 14th, there will be a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in 23 degrees of Sagittarius. The eclipse itself will last about three hours. Do not start anything important on Monday. Solar eclipses bring intense energy that does not lend itself well to new beginnings. Instead, focus on what you should eliminate or cut out of your life. This is a good time to purge what hasn’t been working for you or is holding you back.

Mercury Enters Sagittarius

On Tuesday, December 1st, Mercury will enter Sagittarius at 1:51 pm CST. The way we think and communicate will undergo quite a transformation compared to when Mercury was in Scorpio. We need to allow ourselves more mental freedom and the space to find our sense of humor once again. Above all, we should remember that the world is still full of things that we find interesting

Sun Enters Sagittarius

Today, November 21st, the Sun leaves Scorpio at 2:40 pm CST and enters Sagittarius. After spending some time going inward and being perceptive, we can now focus our attention on what really matters to us. The Sun will finally be in a fire sign again, so we can expect to have a little more energy and drive for the next few weeks. Also, since Sagittarius is a mutable sign, we have extra flexibility and adaptability to use to our advantage.

Mars Turns Direct

On Friday, November 13th, Mars ends its retrograde in Aries and stations direct. The last two months have been frustrating and, at times, depleting. It is understandable if we feel like we’ve been spinning our wheels for a while now. Thankfully, Mars is finally direct, and we can begin to take action around our frustrations and the things that haven’t been working for us.

Venus Enters Libra

On October 27th at exactly 8:41 pm, Venus will enter Libra. Venus will finally be in a sign that it has rulership over, giving it some extra advantage here. Venus will also now be in an air sign, so intellectual ideals will be emphasized, along with justice and cooperation. The next few weeks are a good time to engage with higher concepts and ideals. Venus in Libra also gives us more of an eye for beauty, so consider using the time to do some shopping or redecorating. Libra especially likes to improve on whatever it can, so replace or upgrade something if you’ve meant to.

Sun Enters Scorpio

On Thursday, October 22nd, the Sun enters Scorpio at 6:00 pm CDT. It’s a big change from the Sun’s ruler being Venus when it was in Libra to Mars, and a retrograde Mars on top of it. Scorpio’s energy tends to bring stuff up, specifically stuff others would rather leave alone. With the Sun here, repressed things relating to our ego can especially bubble up during this time. Look into what hurts your feelings or bruises your ego for the next few weeks.

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 2020

Mercury stations retrograde on Tuesday, October 13th. Mercury will start its retrograde in Scorpio and back into Libra for a bit. This retrograde will last until November 3rd, which is the same day as the US election. If you are a US citizen, please vote early and double-check your ballot and any associated paperwork. As with all Mercury retrogrades, don’t buy electronics (no, really), avoid signing important contracts, and back up your devices. Do not start any big projects, instead review what you’ve been working on.

Venus Enters Virgo

On Friday, October 2nd, Venus leaves Leo and enters Virgo at 3:48 pm CDT. Our relationships and what we value are about to get a lot more practical. Since Virgo is a Mercury-ruled earth sign, we are more willing to put effort into what we care about and be more verbal when showing appreciation. Venus is uncomfortable in Virgo, as it can be too analytical and critical at times for love to thrive. We should remember not to set our standards or expectations too high.