Full Moon in Aries

On Thursday, October 1st, there will be a Full Moon in Aries at exactly 4:05 pm CDT. This is often referred to as the Harvest Moon as it is the first Full Moon after the autumn equinox. Typically this is when we reap what we’ve sown all summer, either literally or metaphorically. Full Moons often bring some sort of clarity as the Moon is it’s brightest and opposes the other luminary, the Sun. Their respective signs, Aries and Libra, indicate that we need to heal ourselves if we want to have more successful relationships with others.

Saturn Moves Direct

Early on Tuesday, September 29th, Saturn finally stations direct after a five-month retrograde. We probably faced a few serious obstacles or felt blocked since May. A lot of us learned that we actually need to work on or for the things we care about, things are not going to just fall into our lap. We will continue to see that only where we put our effort and time can we expect results. The good news is that paths will begin to open back up for us, and we can now make some tangible progress forward.

Mercury Enters Scorpio

Today, Sunday, September 27th, Mercury enters Scorpio for an extended stay. Mercury will be here until December due to an upcoming retrograde (technically, Mercury will retrograde back into Libra briefly as well). In the last few weeks, while Mercury was in Libra we were connecting with others and figuring out our alliances. As Mercury moves through Scorpio, it will become increasingly clear that we need to dig past the surface if we are to get through the next few months successfully.

Sun Enters Libra

Today, September 22nd, the Sun enters Libra at exactly 9:31 am. The Sun’s ingress into Libra also marks the autumn equinox when we have an equal amount of daylight and darkness. This is perfectly fitting for Libra, a sign symbolized by a scale, a sign that prioritizes balance and justice. Libra seeks this, not by being stern or punitive, but by bringing people together, and encouraging others to find harmony.

Mars Retrograde

Today, September 9th, Mars turns retrograde in Aries. Mars will spend its entire retrograde in Aries, something that hasn’t happened since 1941, and will turn direct on November 13th. If you have Aries placements, or strong Mars placements in your natal chart, this retrograde could be especially impactful for you. It is important to prepare and understand that matters will be a lot less predictable for the next two months. Spend this time reassessing, dealing with your frustrations, and accepting the consequences of your actions.

Venus Enters Leo

Today, September 6th, Venus enters Leo at exactly 2:22 am CDT. Leo is a fixed fire sign so we are ready to go after what we want and then keep it forever. Expect romantic expressions to be much more joyous and expressive. This is also a good time to do pleasurable things, indulge, and surround yourself with beauty. Take advantage of this window to enjoy yourself a little more. I understand that is difficult right now, but trust me later you may regret it.

Sun Enters Virgo

On Saturday, August 22nd, the Sun leaves Leo and enters Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign, ruled by Mercury, so we are better equipped for the next few weeks to be more analytical and observant. Life becomes a largely mental exercise while the Sun is here. While that can help us be much more productive, it can lead us to become rather particular, to where we want things exactly the way we want them.

Mercury Enters Virgo

Today, August 19th, Mercury leaves dramatic, expressive Leo and enters Virgo. Mentally we will shift our thoughts and ideas to more practical matters. We will also be more focused and analytical as well. Mercury in Virgo likes factual information, and also likes to organize that information in a useful way. This is going to be a much more productive few weeks for us mentally.

Venus Enters Cancer

Venus finally leaves Gemini today and enters Cancer at exactly 10:21 am CDT. Venus going from an air sign to a water sign will be quite a change, we’ll be less tempted to be social and instead want to retreat somewhere we feel safe. Venus will make some difficult aspects to both malefics, Mars and Saturn so be ready to face some challenges. Focus on nurturing your environment, improving your living space, and being protective of loved ones.

Mercury Enters Leo

Today at 10:32 pm CDT Mercury finally leaves Cancer after an extended stay there and enters Leo. Mercury in Leo expresses itself completely differently, it encourages us to express ourselves with greater confidence and be more playful in our communications. While Mercury was in Cancer it was opposing Saturn and mentally things weren’t easy, we felt very weighed down. We can now look forward to more creativity and self-confidence.

Sun Enters Leo

Today, July 22nd, the Sun entered Leo at 3:37 am CDT. This will be a nice change of pace after the intense Cancer season we just went through. With an eclipse and two New Moons in Cancer opposing all those planets in Capricorn, it’s understandable if we all feel a little depleted at the moment. Thankfully the Sun has finally returned to its home sign where it’s most comfortable, and we should now be able to focus on ourselves in a positive way.

Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Capricorn

On Saturday, July 4th at 11:44 pm there will be a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. The Sun and Moon oppose each other during a Full Moon and highlight the dichotomy of the sign axis on which they take place, in this case, Cancer/Capricorn. Also, the Sun will in the Moon’s sign, and the Moon will be in detriment due to being in Capricorn so this eclipse may show us where we are not being protected.

Mars Enters Aries

On Saturday, June 27th Mars will enter Aries at 8:45 pm CDT. This movement into Aries is a big deal because Mars will be in its home sign, and will stay in Aries for the REST OF THE YEAR due to an upcoming retrograde. We are ready to start taking initiative again as Mars in Aries is all about action. It will start to become more difficult for us to sit back and do nothing. I caution us to not go too fast, too soon though. Mars in Aries can push us to seek out conflict where there is none if we are not careful. Plan your moves as deliberately and precisely as possible.

Venus Turns Direct

Gemini likes to connect with its immediate environment, so how have your feelings about your community changed? Maybe we don’t value the same things as our neighbors, or maybe we’re starting to appreciate them more than ever. With Mercury still retrograde in Cancer we are really thinking about where we came from, and where we find comfort. Some of us may have decided that where we are living and how we are living isn’t working for us anymore.

Neptune Retrograde

At 11:31 pm CDT on Monday, June 22nd Neptune will turn retrograde. We now have six planets retrograde (although Venus will finally turn direct on Thursday). A lot of us are doing some introspection and realizing that we have some changes in our lives to make. Neptune turning retrograde will bring up where in our lives we’ve been idealistic, and also where we’ve been disillusioned. We are really being asked right now to notice where things aren’t what we thought they were. A lot of us are grappling with a new reality, and that theme is only going to continue. Now that our vision is starting to clear, it is time for us to accept what is right in front of us.